Now a days I am pretty much hooked into Instagram. There are so many inspirational decor images. One such image made me do this lamp. In that image they have kept a floor lamp which back lighted the palm plant and same was lighting above wall painting. In my case, I have just nailed a beautiful Jharoka which we bought from our recent trip to Jaipur and have a palm plant just below it. Thought why not use an old lamp shade base to do my type of floor lamp.
I grabbed a piece of cloth, scissors, glue, gum tape and card sheet to do so. I measured old lamp shade base and cut the card sheet. I rolled paper to form a cylinder shape and glued it. I rolled same paper cylinder on cloth to get the measurement, cut and glued on this paper from outside. Looked fab to me. There was a little problem. I needed some base for the lamp. Thought of using beads. To gum the beads directly to thin shade is not possible. Suddenly a new idea struck me. I took out tooth picks, inserted beads in them and stick three of them to the bottom of the shade. DONE!
Now I placed the bulb and the wiring into its place. My bead base allowed me to pass the wire out from the lamp shade. You can read how I fitted this wiring from this old tutorial.
Here is the result. I am quiet Happy. How you feel?

With Jharoka, I'll write a new post :)
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