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November 12, 2009

Recycling noodle cups

I never throw used bottles or plastic container nor plastic bags to garbage. I used to dump them in a plastic bag and give them to my maid, so that she can sell them and earn little money for herself. For them five or ten rupees is much bigger amount.

After seeing few of the posts in Appartement Therapy, new recycling ideas stuck me. Here is the result. I have used instant noodles containers and water bottles.

ಸೌP / Author & Editor

CG Artist by profession, Passionate about art and decor, Loves to explore places


  1. By this I can make out how much of noodles you eat! Noodles saves time; and you can use that saved time in recycling its containers!

  2. This is not recycling. This is just reusing.

    So, If u r really concerned about it better to avoid plastic containers, i.e., avoid noodles, eat healthy :)

  3. oh my gosh.. you recycled stuff looks very pretty. You've inspired me to try it out now.. thanks!

  4. -Sushruta, :D
    -Vikas, may be reusing is not exactly recycling. And instant food (noodles) is very healthy+tasty for my hubby whenever I am out of station ;D
    -Patricia, :)thanx

  5. i really loved your recent posts..Good Work..

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    Deepa Raman

  7. love use of the bottles.i have used some cups where the ahndles have been broken and some ceramic containers where the lids have been broken for my plants..


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